• Research & Development of Medical Image Software
• Development of Clinically Applicable Software
1. Organization
• Director : Dr. Seo, Joon Beom , MD, PhD
• Scientific Investigator : Kim, Namkug, PhD (CV)
• Establishment : 2004.09
• Research Institute of Medical Imaging, Dept. of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine (Asan Medical Center, Seoul)
• Clinical Researcher (Radiologist, MD) :
폐 :서준범, 채은진
복부: 신용문, 원형진, 김경원, 김아영, 이승수, 박성호
비뇨기: 김정곤, 최혁재
신경계: 김상준
근골격계: 이상훈, 신명진
소아: 구현우
• Collaborator :
Dept. of Industrial Engineering, SNU
Dept. of Computer Science, Catholic Univ.
• Researcher : 박주영, 김영신, 박수진
• Related Company :
Clinical Imaging Solution, Inc (장택진 대표이사, 박나래, 박주영)
• Colaboration Company :
Infinitt Healthcare Inc.
1. History (2010년 10월까지)
•2004.9 MIL Establishment (김정곤, 서준범, 김남국)
•2004.12 만성기도폐쇄성질환 임상연구센터 1세부 과제 참여
•2005.1 최초아산과제 Lung perfusion
•2005.6 최초 외부과제 (학술진흥재단) 과제 수탁
•2006.1 윤원성연구원 합류 (영상처리, 보관)
•2006.3 최초 과학재단 특정기초 과제 수탁 (김정곤, 서준범), 서울대공대 협력연구 시작
•2006.9 계약직 연구 교수 선임 (김남국)
•2006.10 이창경 연구원 합류
•2007.1 박주영 연구원합류
•2007.12 혈류역학 분석관련 특허 출원(김정곤, 김남국)
•2008.1 CIS 설립
•2008.2 UCLA Lung CT Analysis 워크샾 초청강연 (서준범, 김남국)
•2008.6 폐영상 분석관련 특허 출원(서준범, 김남국)
•2008.6 정합을 이용한 Air-trapping 분석특허 출원(서준범, 이정진, 김남국)
•2009.1 CIS 산업화 과제 (아산과제 1, 지식경제부 1, 중기청 1)
•2009.3 이정진 연구교수 가톨릭대학 교수 임용
•2010.01 혈류역학 분석관련 특허 인증(김정곤, 김남국)
•2010.03 MRI 골미세구조 분석 툴 개발, (교과부, 연구장비공동활용활성화사업, co-PI, 김남국)
•2010.08 폐 Airtrapping 정량화 특허 인증(서준범, 김남국)
•2010.09 MRS 분석 툴 개발 (아산과제, 김남국)
•2010.09 Mild Hypoxia 뇌영향에 관한 연구 ; MRS 분석 툴 개발 (교과부 일반연구자과제, 김남국)
•2010.10 World Best Software, 지능형 판독 시스템개발 (지경부 WBS, co-PI, 김남국)
2. 연구과제 (2010년 10월까지)
–원외 연구과제: 원외 22 (연구참여 1, 산업화과제 (회사주관) 3 포함)
–원내 연구과제: 아산과제 7 (회사산업화과제 1포함)
–총 24 과제 총액: 약 30억 3천만원
- Certificate of Merit, Clinical Applications of a Dual-Energy CT in Thorax J. Kim, MD, E. Chae, MD; J. Seo, MD, PhD; J. Song, MD; N. Kim, PhD; B. Krauss, PhD, Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) 2010
- Certificate of Merit, Image-based Phenotyping of COPD Y. Lee, J. Seo, MD, PhD; N. Kim, PhD; E. Chae, MD; Y. Oh, MD, PhD; S. Lee, MD, Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) 2010
- 2009 Best Paper Award of journal of Digital Imaging, Development of an automatic classification system for differentiation of obstructive lung disease using HRCT. N. Kim, J.B. Seo, Y. Lee, J.G. Lee, S.S. Kim, and S.H. Kang, J Digit Imaging, 2009. 22(2): p. 136-48.
- The Outstanding Scientific Presentation by a Fellow, Quantitative Assessment of Air Trapping in Patients with COPD by using Automatic Registration of Inspiration/Expiration CT Scans, Society of Thoracic Radiology (STR) 2010, San Diego, California, Feb 28 – March 3. 2010, Co-author
- Certificate of Merit, An Efficient Automatic Classifier for Differentiation of Diffuse Infiltrative Diseases on Whole Lung HRCT Using a Level-set Based Diseased Lung Segmentation, Non-linear Binning Strategy, Cascading SVM (Support Vector Machine) Classification, Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) 2008.12.2, First Author
- GE Best Student paper award, Segmentation of airway tree at volumetric CT with adaptive thresholding based on local dilation & connected component analysis and leakage control: Comparison with a conventional region growing method, 1st Korean Medical Image Conference, 2008, Corresponding Author
- The 3rd Prize, 3D Segmentation in the Clinic: A Grand Challenge, The Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2007.10.29 , Co-Author
- Honorable Mention Poster Award, The performance improvement of differentiation among obstructive lung diseases on the basis of the features of texture and shape analysis at HRCT, SPIE Medical Imaging 2007 Symposium, Corresponding Author
- Bronze Award, Influence of CT imaging parameters on automatic measurement of airway wall thickness with FWHM method using a physical phantom, 1st Asian Congress of Thoracic Radiology(ACTR 2006), June 16-17, 2006, Co-Author
- Certificate of merit, Radiographics invitation at RSNA 2005, Co-Author
- Best Paper Award, Development of a robot arm-type navigator for pedicle screw insertion, The 19th Annual Fall Meeting of the Korean Society of Spine Surgery, Nov., 2002. , Co-Author
- Best Poster Award, Development and an Accuracy Test of a Robot-arm Type Image-guided Surgery System, The 46th Annual Fall Congress of the Korean Orthopaedic Association, Oct., 2002. , Co-Author
- Best paper award, A personal computer-based surgical simulation system for spinal pedicle screw insertion, Bumsuk academic scholarship foundation, Feb., 2002. , Co-Author
- Basic Science Research Award, Patient-specific surgical simulator for spinal screw insertion composed of virtual roentgenogram, virtual C-arm, and rapid prototyping, The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association, Oct., 2001. , Co-Author
- Best Paper Award, Patient-specific surgical simulator for spinal screw insertion composed of virtual roentgenogram, virtual C-arm, and rapid prototyping, The 16th Annual Fall Meeting of the Korean Society of Spine Surgery, Nov., 2000., Co-Author
- Best Paper Award, Distributed Concurrent Engineering: Internet-Based Interactive 3-D Dynamic Browsing and Markup of STEP Data, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, 1999. , Co-Author
–국내특허: 획득2 / 출원 중 3
- Method and Apparatus for Forming Objects Similar to Things in Human Body 6,464,639 2002. 10.15 Issued USA Namkug Kim, YoungHo Kim, Jeong Ho Choi
- Method for segmentation of lymph nodes on diffusion weighted imaging 10-2008-0077891 2008.08.08 pending South Korea Jeongkon Kim, Namkug Kim, Bumwoo Park
- Apparatus for processing diffusion weighted MR imaging to achieve automated segmentation of target organ and visualization of cancer tissue 1009388630000 2010.01.19 Issued South Korea Jeongkon Kim, Namkug Kim, Bumwoo Park
- Method for automatic classifier of lung diseases 10-2008-0071987 2008.07.24 pending South Korea JoonBeom Seo, Namkug Kim, Youngjoo Lee, Junegoo Lee
- Lung segmentation method using gradient and intensity distribution on CT lung images 10-2008-0087269 2008.09.04 pending South Korea JoonBeom Seo, Namkug Kim, Helen Hong, Yeni Yim
- Method for automatic quantification of air trapping on chest CT data 10-0979335 2010.08.25 Issued South Korea JoonBeom Seo, Namkug Kim, Jeongjin Lee
3. Management
–전원회의 (+ 외부협력)
–매월 첫주 금요일 점심 (가안) / 저녁 회식
–팀별 업무 정리: 개발팀, 영상처리팀, (회사)
•운영위원회 (주 1회, 매주 월요일 점심)
–연구실장, 개발팀장, 처리팀장, CIS 등
•Serminar & Meetings
–Medical Imaging Seminar
–Research Meeting
•TEA Meeting
–1 주 5회
4. Research Interests
•Image Processing Techniques
-Segmentation: 장기, 병소 추출기술
-Registration: 매칭 기법 (역동, 호흡 영상)
-Quantification: 정량화기술
-Dynamic assessment: 동적평가 (관류, 확산)
-Visualization: 가시화기술
-Texture analysis: 질감분석
-Machine Learning: 인공지능기술
•Computer Aided Surgery (Robotics & Image Guided & RapidPrototyping)
-Robot Control
-3D Camera Interface
-Haptic Device
-Image Guided System
•Neuro/Brain Science
-MRS Processing
-Brain Subregion Shape Analysis
-fMRI/fmMRI/fMRS Study
-VBM/DTI/Cortical Thickness Analysis
5. Scope
‘임상적으로 사용 가능’ 한 영상후처리 기술 개발, 적용, 보완, 연구, 상업화
Visualization -> Quantification -> Detection, Classification, Image Retrieval
6. Papers (SCI/SCIe Indexed) SCI/SCIE 54, Domestic Journal 18, 학술발표 국내외 180여편, - Amygdala shape analysis based on probabilistic subregional segmentation: Effects of gender, Kim N, Kim HJ, Hwang J, Yoon SJ, Cho HB, Renshaw PF, Lyoo IK, Kim JE Neurosci Lett. 2010 Nov 5. [Epub], 21056631
- Three phenotypes of obstructive lung disease in the elderly. Jo KW, Ra SW, Chae EJ,Seo JB, Kim NK, Lee JH, Kim EK, Lee YK, Kim TH, Huh JW, Kim WJ, Lee JH, Lee SM, Lim SY, Shin TR, Yoon HI, Sheen SS, Lee JS, Lee SD, Oh YM.Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2010 Nov;14(11):1481-8.
- Case Series of Open-Label Uridine for Treatment of Depressed Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology (In Press)
- Evaluation of MRI Resolution Affecting Trabecular Bone Parameters: Determination of Acceptable Resolution., N. Kim, J.G. Lee, Y. Song, H. J. Kim, J.S. Yeom, G. Cho, submitted to Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. (minor revision)
- Incidence of Major Depressive Episode Correlated with Altitude of Substate Region of Residence, Kristen DelMastro, Tracy Hellem, N. Kim, D. Kondo, Y.H. Sung, P.F. Renshaw, Journal of Affective Disorders, (In Press)
- Review: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Studies of Pediatric Major Depressive Disorder, Douglas Kondo, Tracy Hellem, Young-Hoon Sung, Namkug Kim, E.-K. Jeong, Kristen DelMastro, Xianfeng Shi and Perry Renshaw, Depression Research and Treatment, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 650450, doi:10.1155/2011/650450 (ePub)
- Volumetric, planar and Linear Analyses of Pharyngeal Airway Change on CT and Cephalometry after Mandibular Setback Surgery. J.W. Park, N. Kim, J.W. Kim, M.J. Kim, and Y.I. Chang, Am J Orthod Dentofac, 138(3):292-299(2011) 20816298
- Altitude, Gun Ownership, Rural Areas, and Suicide. N. Kim, J. Wade, B.E. Brenner, C.A. Haws, D.A. Yurgelun-Todd, and P.F. Renshaw, American Journal of Psychiatry, 2011: 2010-09-15 Epub (IF 12.5), doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2010.10020289., 20843869
- Feasibility of FAIR Imaging for Evaluating Tumor Perfusion, Jee-Hyun Cho, MS,1,6 Gyunggoo Cho, PhD,1,6 Youngkyu Song, MS,1 Chulhyun Lee, PhD,1 Bum-Woo Park, BS,2 Chang Kyung Lee, MS,2 Namkug Kim, PhD,2 Sung Bin Park, MD,3 Jong Soon Kang, PhD,4 Moo Rim Kang, PhD,4 Hwan Mook Kim, PhD,4 Young Ro Kim, PhD,5 Kyoung-Sik Cho, MD,2 and Jeong Kon Kim, MD2* J Magn Reson Imaging, 32:738–744 (2010), 20815076
- Neurochemical alterations in methamphetamine-dependent patients treated with cytidine-5'-diphosphate choline: a longitudinal proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. S.J. Yoon, I.K. Lyoo, H.J. Kim, T.S. Kim, Y.H. Sung, N. Kim, S.E. Lukas, and P.F. Renshaw, Neuropsychopharmacology, 2010. 35(5): p. 1165-73. 20043005
- Evaluation of computer-aided detection and dual energy software in detection of peripheral pulmonary embolism on dual-energy pulmonary CT angiography. C.W. Lee, J.B. Seo, J.W. Song, M.Y. Kim, H.Y. Lee, Y.S. Park, E.J. Chae, Y.M. Jang, N. Kim, and B. Krauss, Eur Radiol. 2011 Jan;21(1):54-62. Epub 2010 Aug 1. 20680290
- Malignant hepatic tumors: short-term reproducibility of apparent diffusion coefficients with breath-hold and respiratory-triggered diffusion-weighted MR imaging. S.Y. Kim, S.S. Lee, J.H. Byun, S.H. Park, J.K. Kim, B. Park, N. Kim, and M.G. Lee, Radiology, 2010. 255(3): p. 815-23. 20501719
- Slope of emphysema index: an objective descriptor of regional heterogeneity of emphysema and an independent determinant of pulmonary function. E.J. Chae, J.B. Seo, J.W. Song, N. Kim, B.W. Park, Y.K. Lee, Y.M. Oh, S.D. Lee, and S.Y. Lim, AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2010. 194(3): p. W248-55. 20173123
- Xenon ventilation imaging using dual-energy computed tomography in asthmatics: initial experience. E.J. Chae, J.B. Seo, J. Lee, N. Kim, H.W. Goo, H.J. Lee, C.W. Lee, S.W. Ra, Y.M. Oh, and Y.S. Cho, Invest Radiol, 2010. 45(6): p. 354-61. 20404734
- Collateral ventilation in a canine model with bronchial obstruction: assessment with xenon-enhanced dual-energy CT. E.J. Chae, J.B. Seo, N. Kim, K.S. Song, J.H. Shin, T.H. Kim, and Y. Lee, Radiology, 2010. 255(3): p. 790-8. 20501716
- Preoperative portal vein embolization using an amplatzer vascular plug. H. Yoo, G.Y. Ko, D.I. Gwon, J.H. Kim, H.K. Yoon, K.B. Sung, N. Kim, and J. Lee, Eur Radiol, 2009. 19(5): p. 1054-61. 19057904
- Correction of lung boundary using the gradient and intensity distribution. Y. Yim, H. Hong, J.B. Seo, N. Kim, E. Jin Chae, and Y.G. Shin, Comput Biol Med, 2009. 39(3): p. 239-50. 19232581
- Feasibility of automated quantification of regional disease patterns depicted on high-resolution computed tomography in patients with various diffuse lung diseases. S.O. Park, J.B. Seo, N. Kim, S.H. Park, Y.K. Lee, B.W. Park, Y.S. Sung, Y. Lee, J. Lee, and S.H. Kang, Korean J Radiol, 2009. 10(5): p. 455-63. 19721830
- Relative apparent diffusion coefficient: determination of reference site and validation of benefit for detecting metastatic lymph nodes in uterine cervical cancer. S.O. Park, J.K. Kim, K.A. Kim, B.W. Park, N. Kim, G. Cho, H.J. Choi, and K.S. Cho, J Magn Reson Imaging, 2009. 29(2): p. 383-90. 19161191
- Performance testing of several classifiers for differentiating obstructive lung diseases based on texture analysis at high-resolution computerized tomography (HRCT). Y. Lee, J.B. Seo, J.G. Lee, S.S. Kim, N. Kim, and S.H. Kang, Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2009. 93(2): p. 206-15. 19070933
- Bayesian classifier for predicting malignant renal cysts on MDCT: early clinical experience. Y. Lee, N. Kim, K.S. Cho, S.H. Kang, D.Y. Kim, Y.Y. Jung, and J.K. Kim, AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2009. 193(2): p. W106-11. 19620410
- Panoramic endoluminal display with minimal image distortion using circumferential radial ray-casting for primary three-dimensional interpretation of CT colonography. S.S. Lee, S.H. Park, J.K. Kim, N. Kim, J. Lee, B.J. Park, Y.J. Kim, M.W. Lee, A.Y. Kim, and H.K. Ha, Eur Radiol, 2009. 19290529
- Responses to inhaled long-acting beta-agonist and corticosteroid according to COPD subtype. J.H. Lee, Y.K. Lee, E.K. Kim, T.H. Kim, J.W. Huh, W.J. Kim, S.M. Lee, S. Lee, S.Y. Lim, T.R. Shin, H.I. Yoon, S.S. Sheen, N. Kim, J.B. Seo, Y.M. Oh, and S.D. Lee, Respir Med, 2009. 19926461
- Robust and fast shell registration in PET and MR/CT brain images. H. Lee, J. Lee, N. Kim, I.K. Lyoo, and Y.G. Shin, Comput Biol Med, 2009. 39(11): p. 961-77. 19674741
- CT scanning-based phenotypes vary with ADRB2 polymorphisms in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. W.J. Kim, Y.M. Oh, J. Sung, Y.K. Lee, J.B. Seo, N. Kim, T.H. Kim, J.W. Huh, J.H. Lee, E.K. Kim, S.M. Lee, S. Lee, S.Y. Lim, T.R. Shin, H.I. Yoon, S.Y. Kwon, and S.D. Lee, Respir Med, 2009. 103(1): p. 98-103. 18789663
- Development of an automatic classification system for differentiation of obstructive lung disease using HRCT. N. Kim, J.B. Seo, Y. Lee, J.G. Lee, S.S. Kim, and S.H. Kang, J Digit Imaging, 2009. 22(2): p. 136-48. 18712567
- Node-by-node correlation between MR and PET/CT in patients with uterine cervical cancer: diffusion-weighted imaging versus size-based criteria on T2WI. E.K. Choi, J.K. Kim, H.J. Choi, S.H. Park, B.W. Park, N. Kim, J.S. Kim, K.C. Im, G. Cho, and K.S. Cho, Eur Radiol, 2009. 19277675
- Texture-based quantification of pulmonary emphysema on high-resolution computed tomography: comparison with density-based quantification and correlation with pulmonary function test. Y.S. Park, J.B. Seo, N. Kim, E.J. Chae, Y.M. Oh, S.D. Lee, Y. Lee, and S.H. Kang, Invest Radiol, 2008. 43(6): p. 395-402. 18496044
- Quantitative assessment of emphysema, air trapping, and airway thickening on computed tomography. Y.K. Lee, Y.M. Oh, J.H. Lee, E.K. Kim, N. Kim, J.B. Seo, and S.D. Lee, Lung, 2008. 186(3): p. 157-65. 18351420
- Quantitative analysis of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the pancreas: usefulness in characterizing solid pancreatic masses. S.S. Lee, J.H. Byun, B.J. Park, S.H. Park, N. Kim, B. Park, J.K. Kim, and M.G. Lee, J Magn Reson Imaging, 2008. 28(4): p. 928-36. 18821618
- Quantitative assessment of synovial vascularity using contrast-enhanced power Doppler ultrasonography: correlation with histologic findings and mr imaging findings in arthritic rabbit knee model. S.H. Lee, J.S. Suh, M.J. Shin, S.M. Kim, N. Kim, and S.H. Suh, Korean J Radiol, 2008. 9(1): p. 45-53. 18253075
- Robust feature-based registration using a Gaussian-weighted distance map and brain feature points for brain PET/CT images. H. Lee, J. Lee, N. Kim, S.J. Kim, and Y.G. Shin, Comput Biol Med, 2008. 38(9): p. 945-61. 18760408
- Evaluation of tumor angiogenesis with a second-generation US contrast medium in a rat breast tumor model. E.Y. Ko, S.H. Lee, H.H. Kim, S.M. Kim, M.J. Shin, N. Kim, and G. Gong, Korean J Radiol, 2008. 9(3): p. 243-9. 18525227
- Semi-automatic measurement of the airway dimension by computed tomography using the full-width-half-maximum method: a study on the measurement accuracy according to the CT parameters and size of the airway. N. Kim, J.B. Seo, K.S. Song, E.J. Chae, and S.H. Kang, Korean J Radiol, 2008. 9(3): p. 226-35. 18525226
- Semi-automatic measurement of the airway dimension by computed tomography using the full-with-half-maximum method: a study of the measurement accuracy according to the orientation of an artificial airway. N. Kim, J.B. Seo, K.S. Song, E.J. Chae, and S.H. Kang, Korean J Radiol, 2008. 9(3): p. 236-42. 18525225
- CT histogram analysis: differentiation of angiomyolipoma without visible fat from renal cell carcinoma at CT imaging. J.Y. Kim, J.K. Kim, N. Kim, and K.S. Cho, Radiology, 2008. 246(2): p. 472-9. 18094264
- Feasibility of diffusion-weighted imaging in the differentiation of metastatic from nonmetastatic lymph nodes: early experience. J.K. Kim, K.A. Kim, B.W. Park, N. Kim, and K.S. Cho, J Magn Reson Imaging, 2008. 28(3): p. 714-9. 18777531
- Apparent diffusion coefficient: prostate cancer versus noncancerous tissue according to anatomical region. J.H. Kim, J.K. Kim, B.W. Park, N. Kim, and K.S. Cho, J Magn Reson Imaging, 2008. 28(5): p. 1173-9. 18837000
- Quantitatively assessed dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: correlation of perfusion parameters with pulmonary function test and quantitative computed tomography. Y.M. Jang, Y.M. Oh, J.B. Seo, N. Kim, E.J. Chae, Y.K. Lee, and S.D. Lee, Invest Radiol, 2008. 43(6): p. 403-10. 18496045
- Xenon ventilation CT with a dual-energy technique of dual-source CT: initial experience. E.J. Chae, J.B. Seo, H.W. Goo, N. Kim, K.S. Song, S.D. Lee, S.J. Hong, and B. Krauss, Radiology, 2008. 248(2): p. 615-24. 18641254
- Relationship between N-acetyl-aspartate in gray and white matter of abstinent methamphetamine abusers and their history of drug abuse: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. Y.H. Sung, S.C. Cho, J. Hwang, S.J. Kim, H. Kim, S. Bae, N. Kim, K.H. Chang, M. Daniels, P.F. Renshaw, and I.K. Lyoo, Drug Alcohol Depend, 2007. 88(1): p. 28-35. 17084995
- Efficient liver segmentation using a level-set method with optimal detection of the initial liver boundary from level-set speed images. J. Lee, N. Kim, H. Lee, J.B. Seo, H.J. Won, Y.M. Shin, Y.G. Shin, and S.H. Kim, Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2007. 88(1): p. 26-38. 17719125
- Decreased GABA levels in anterior cingulate and basal ganglia in medicated subjects with panic disorder: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) study. B.J. Ham, Y. Sung, N. Kim, S.J. Kim, J.E. Kim, D.J. Kim, J.Y. Lee, J.H. Kim, S.J. Yoon, and I.K. Lyoo, Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 2007. 31(2): p. 403-11. 17141385
- Functional MR imaging of prostate cancer. Y.J. Choi, J.K. Kim, N. Kim, K.W. Kim, E.K. Choi, and K.S. Cho, Radiographics, 2007. 27(1): p. 63-75; discussion 75-7. 17234999
- Regional cerebral cortical thinning in bipolar disorder. I.K. Lyoo, Y.H. Sung, S.R. Dager, S.D. Friedman, J.Y. Lee, S.J. Kim, N. Kim, D.L. Dunner, and P.F. Renshaw, Bipolar Disord, 2006. 8(1): p. 65-74. 16411982
- A three-dimensional analysis of soft and hard tissue changes after a mandibular setback surgery. N. Kim, C. Lee, S.H. Kang, J.W. Park, M.J. Kim, and Y.I. Chang, Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2006. 83(3): p. 178-87. 16919839
- Disrupted white matter tract integrity of anterior cingulate in trauma survivors. M.J. Kim, I.K. Lyoo, S.J. Kim, M. Sim, N. Kim, N. Choi, D.U. Jeong, J. Covell, and P.F. Renshaw, Neuroreport, 2005. 16(10): p. 1049-53. 15973146
- Evaluation of pedicle screw position on computerized tomography scans. Technical note. J.S. Yeom, M.S. Chung, C.K. Lee, Y. Kim, N. Kim, and J.B. Lee, J Neurosurg, 2003. 98(1 Suppl): p. 104-9. 12546401
- Analysis of errors in medical rapid prototyping models. J.Y. Choi, J.H. Choi, N. Kim, Y. Kim, J.K. Lee, M.K. Kim, J.H. Lee, and M.J. Kim, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2002. 31(1): p. 23-32. 11936396
- Collaborative surgical simulation over the internet. Y. Kim, J.-H. Choi, J. Lee, M.K. Kim, N. Kim, J.-S. Yeom, and Y.O. Kim, IEEE Internet Computing, 2001 5(3): p. 65-73. 10.1109/4236.935179
- Web based 3-D medical image visualization on the PC. N. Kim, D.H. Lee, J.H. Kim, Y. Kim, and H.J. Cho, Stud Health Technol Inform, 1998. 52 Pt 2: p. 1105-10. 10384632
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